I'm always on the lookout for the latest and greatest diaper bags. I often wonder why every major designer doesn't have one in their line. Mommies are big business these days! Tory Burch has recognized this need for discerning mama's to carry fab looking diaper bags. Her Nylon Baby Bag is currently available in black with patent leather accents and signature gold hardware. It is sure to keep people guessing, "is it or isn't it." And by that I mean a diaper bag, of course! With tote handles and a removable shoulder strap there are plenty of carrying options, and pockets galore inside and out. Apparently it has been available for some time, so it's anyone's guess why I am only now stumbling upon it (and don't already own one!). They are available through Tory Burch's online store and I imagine they sell out fast, so if this is the bag you've been searching for don't wait to purchase it. You wouldn't want to be the only mama in the Hamptons without one this summer!
Have you used the bag yet? I just bought one but am now wondering if it is big enough to hold all the basics. I totally agree though...so stylish and you can't even tell it's a diaper bag!