I'm sure many of you have been wondering where I have been these last fews months, as it has been radio silence here at LWP. Some of you may have read in previous posts that it all started last spring with Pooka's bout with croup, then my sinus infection, and then (wait for it...) we were blessed with a brand new pregnancy. That's right, Pooka is going to be a big sister! But unfortunately that meant about 14 weeks of morning sickness, which is an ailment I suffer from in a big way. Combine that with a toddler who barely naps and the reasoning behind the extended blogging hiatus should seem pretty clear. Fast forward to now, I am 21 weeks in and have finally found that second trimester energy which will allow me to get a few posts out.
I hope you will come back and visit again regularly as I rededicate myself to creating interesting posts on the products, classes and events that shape Pooka's world! We missed you and can't wait to be cyber visiting with you again!
p.s. I just ordered Pooka some really cute sale t-shirts from Amy Tangerine on The Mini Social so hurry over and have a look!
Best of luck with the pregnancy! We look forward to reading your interesting posts on the products, classes and events that shape Pooka's world(!) It would be interesting to hear whether you do or have used cot bumpers and what is your view on them?