What do you bring on your first vacation with the new addition? I always wanted to be one of those parents who traveled light. The idea of filling the whole cargo space of the car with baby gear made me cringe. And yet here I am, wondering how will I possibly be able to see out the rearview mirror over the pile of junk stacked in the back? Of course there is the obvious like diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles, pacifiers, and blankets. Don't forget to add the towels, wash clothes, bath gear (we are bringing one of those blow up tubs) and burp clothes. There's also the baby wash, diaper cream, baby lotion, sunscreen, and bug spray. We need some toys and books too, and we will be bringing the play gym and bouncy chair (it's 10 days at a rental cottage by the beach and we're driving there). Pooka will be sleeping in a portable crib by night (the Phil and Ted's Traveller), and lounging in the Kwik Cabana by day. And then there is Pooka's transportation, which means car seat and stroller (luckily the Orbit Baby is both), and her Baby Hawk Mei-Tai carrier. Oh, and we can't go anywhere without the breast pump. OK, we are probably overdoing it, but that's easy to do when you are traveling by car. Now I understand why people put those pods on the roof!
There are, however, a few things you might not think to pack until you need them. We will be vacationing on an island, and while there is a grocery store there are some things we can't rely on them to have. We have packed our MedBasics Infant Safety Travel Pack for quick reference, as well as the nasal aspirator and saline drops, a thermometer, a medicine dispensing pacifier, Infant Tylenol drops, and alcohol swabs and gauze for minor cuts and scrapes (or when I cut her finger with the nail clippers again). And don't forget the grooming gear like nail clippers and files. Pooka's nails grow like gangbusters, and she just entered the phase where she likes to pinch. And I'm also including baby laundry detergent , and stain remover because poop happens even if it is vacation. These items may be difficult to find where you are staying, particularly if you need them in the middle of the night.
Alas, the days of traveling light seem to have disappeared for a while, but I am confident they will return. Each trip I will hone my skills at choosing exactly what is needed and what is extraneous. And some day I may just achieve this goal. Until then I will have to use the side-view mirrors when driving!
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