For an alternative to main stream baby carriers check out Lovely Duds 100% organic and Oeko-Tex certified Tie One On baby carriers. They remind me of a Moby carrier, which are fantastic for newborns, but with cute printed panels like the Baby Hawk Mai Tai carrier. They have dozens of colors and fabrics to choose from, and at a cost $45 it's not a huge investment. A mom I know loved this style of carrier for her baby those first weeks when acid reflux was a major problem for her little one and she could nestle the baby against her chest in an upright position.

Using cloth or gdiapers? Baby blow out their diaper and wipe out their outfit? You need a wet bag to store the dirty nappies and soiled clothes until you can get home and wash them. They are useful for anything that gets messy while out and about, and I never leave home without one. Sure, you could use a ziploc, but why would you when the wet bags at Monkey Foot Designs are so cute and reusable too! The medium size is perfect for stowing a dirty gdiaper and some soiled clothing. For more than one diaper or larger sized clothing I would recommend the larger bags. Mines been thrown in the washer several times and has held up well. The Icky Bags in the Petunias shop are adorable too!I love the owl applique on this one.

While searching for an alternative to the satin and tulle style headbands that seem to abound in baby stores I found this one from Billie Brand. I love the simplicity of the design and the incorporation of a covered button in the center of the flower. They even have some made from organic fabrics. If your baby is blessed with plenty of hair (alas Pooka is not) you can try their flower clips. Choosing a color is the difficult part, but I'm leaning towards the Roxie!
The designers listed here are just a fraction of what you can find on Etsy. Pick a search term like "organic baby" and hundreds of products will show up. Or be more specific by searching terms such as "baby sling" or "baby quilt." You may not have Martha in your blood, but if she is in your spirit than look no further than Etsy. There is no better source for handmade goods for the crafting challenged.
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